Town Hall
Town Hall Seattle is a landmark historic building located within
walking distance of Downtown and Capitol Hill.
20+ Awesome Speakers
We are being joined by a wonderful line-up of speakers covering
everything from the latest in the web/JS to building with AI.
Hands-on Workshops
Running parallel to the talks, there will be hands-on workshops
to choose from if you care to roll-up your sleeves and do some
Fun Hangs
Your full conference ticket includes the welcome reception, 2 days of light breakfast & lunch, all day coffee, a closing party with dinner & karaoke, and post-conference activities!
In order to build an inclusive community for web developers we work hard to make our event as accessible as possible.
Outdoor Activities
On the Saturday after the conference, we're going to organize
some activities so that folks can explore the Seattle area, get
some fresh air and have some fun!